Sunday, March 10, 2019

Tea Time w/ Ari #9

 Heyy'all! This is Ari, and it's been a while. Exactly a month, to be precise. How're you doing?

This last month in animation, we learned about more physics when it comes to objects flexing, weight in motion, and jumping/running animation. For me, specifically, I had another firsthand experience with irresponsibility, as I fell behind on both my diving board and storyboard for the independent study, but I caught up with a few dents in it. Nothing I can't handle, but they're definitely worth paying attention to for next time.
If anything, I want to learn how to successfully manage my time. I know this is routine by now, but I don't want to continuously be swept up in the storm-- I want to try taking initiative. This probably means cutting my ideas down to a sizeable portion, and that's okay. Not everything turns out the way you want it to. This ties into what frustrated me as of recent, I took about 5 or so full nights this month alone to catch up. Not great for any part of my body, but when you screw it this badly, sacrifices have to be made sometimes. I did it like an adult though, responsibly. I learned the ins-and-outs of an all-nighter, when to caffeinate, how long to rest, what to listen to and how to work. Needless to say, I've mastered the caffeine nap by now. Not sure if that's something I should be happy about.
Speaking of happiness, it came in the form of therapy. last week I saw my gender therapist for the first time in months and I'm glad. I also cleaned my room today and I set up a huge corkboard in which I organized all of my character art, including all 3 of my characters, backtracking to the first drawings I made of each of them. I'm glad I kept that drawing I made of Blitz (my pegasus guy) I drew in 5th grade. I plan on redrawing it in my free time. You can definitely go far with 5 years worth of practice, honestly. I always hear people saying stuff like "I wish I could draw!" when all they need to do is pick up a pencil and do it. You won't get anywhere without practicing first, that goes for anything. I wasn't born an artist, no matter what anyone thinks, but I just had a lot of time to be creative growing up. I kept at it and here I am now.

For the link of interest this time, here is a drawing guide for "Adventure Time", illustrated by Pendleton Ward. I chose this because I found it helpful in simplifying my art style due to how this show allows for a wide range of rule-breaking fun and expression. Ward's art has inspired many, and hopefully, this can help you in your journey for an ever-evolving art style.


  1. Bruuhhh you need to get more SLEEP. Some ZZZQUILL. The Sleep Juice. The Melatonin Producing Confection.

    I agree sacrifices to our dark gods are important but they can only go so far before the Void'll start sproutin tendrils out your eye sockets. Then you won't be able to do anything!!!

  2. Einstein said time was irrelevant, so uggh no one will get this reference
